Rae Systems




Miller by Honelywell


Rae Systems

Portable & Wireless Gas Detectors
  1. Portable Wireless/Non Wireless Single gas detectors
  2. Portable Wireless/Non Wireless Multigas detectors
  3. Wireless Single gas detectors
  4. Wireless Multigas detectors
  5. PID Detectors
  6. Wireless/Non Wireless Standalone detectors
  7. Wireless fixed fencing gas detection
  8. Gas detection tubes & Hand pump 
  9. Onsite service for calibration & maintanance  


Safety Lockout & Tagout 
  1. Brady Sign & Label Printers
  2. Brady Lock out Tag out, Pad Locks
  3. Scafftags, UK
  4. Oil and Gas Solution on Universal Inspection and Maintenance
  5. Safety , Maintenance , Identification
  6. Pipeline Identification Labels


Spill Control & Containment Solutions 
  1. Oil & Chemical Absorbent Pads & Rolls
  2. Oil & Chemical Absorbent Socks
  3. Oil & Chemical Absorbent Booms
  4. Oil & Chemical Spill Kits
  5. Absorbent Granules
  6. Spill Trays
  7. Spill Pallets
  8. Safety floorings, Drain Protection
  9. Fluid Handling

Salisbury by Honeywell 

Electrical Protection 
  1. Salisbury is the world leader in the manufacturing of personal protective equipment and live line tools to protect electrical workers from the hazards of their job. Only Salisbury can provide the complete list of personal protective equipment required to protect workers against electrical hazards as defined by OSHA regulations & the NFPA 70E standard for electrical safety in the workplace.
  2. Head Protection
  3. Eye Protection
  4. Neck Protection
  5. Body Protection
  6. Hand Protection
  7. Electrical Shock Protective Tools
  8. Feet Protection


Oilfield equipment  
  1. Repair, Refurbishment and Upgrade of BOP Control Units as per API 16D, API RP16E, API RP53, Shell, Aramco, Norsok, PDO and others.
  2. Inspection and Certification of BOP Control Units to meet the above specifications
  3. Repair & Testing of High Pressure Test Units
  4. Repair & Testing of Hydraulic Power Units
  5. Repair, Testing & Certification of Swivel Joints, Pup Joints, Loops, Spools, Flanges, Crosses, Tees, DSAF, etc.
  6. Our experienced team of service engineers and technicians have the ability to undertake inspection jobs at customer sites as well.